Friends of the 
Bellingham Public Library

About the Friends of the Library


Our Mission

Our Mission is to stimulate the interest of the community in the services and needs of the Bellingham Public Library, to enrich the cultural life of the community, and to promote a program of assistance through volunteer help and fund raising that will enable the library to maintain pace with the growth of the town of Bellingham.

What We Do

The Friends of the Library, a volunteer organization founded in 1978, dedicated to supporting and promoting the Bellingham Public Library through fund raising, public relations and volunteer efforts.

In addition to the Museum Pass Program, the Friends also provide funding for programming, books, equipment and other needs of the library. The Friends hold fundraising events, including the ongoing book sale in the library lobby.

The Friends of the Library fund many passes to museums and attractions - click here to see what's available.


If you are interested in sharing your ideas and enhancing the offerings of our growing library, why not join the Friends at one of our meetings? New Friends are always welcome! Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.
Check the library calendar for the exact location, date and time. We hope to see you there!

 2021 Meeting Minutes Treasurer's Reports
  January January 31, 2021
  February  February 28, 2021
  March March 31, 2021
  April  April 30, 2021
  May May 31, 2021
  June June 30, 2021
  July July 31, 2021
  August August 31, 2021
  September September 30, 2021
  October October 31, 2021
  November November 30, 2021
  December December 31, 2021

Officers for Fiscal Year 2020:
Jane Vichi, President
Brenda Griffin, Secretary
Dina Pierce, Treasurer

Your opinion is valuable to us: Please join us whenever you can at our monthly meetings
generally held the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the History Room at the Library ~
or reach out to us at bellinghamfol@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.

Don't forget to Click here to go to the Friends' Facebook page 'Friends of the Bellingham Public Library (MA)' on Facebook
and Click here to go to the Friends' Twitter feed '@BellinghamFOL' on Twitter for real-time updates on all Friends activities!

Friends of the Bellingham Public Library | 100 Blackstone Street, Bellingham, Massachusetts 02019 | 508-966-1660

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